FS2343 Probe Description
The FS2343 FBDIMM Interposer Probe is based on the “Logic Analyzer Interface (LAI) Mode” of the Advanced Memory Buffer chip used on Fully Buffered DIMMs. This mode allows decoding of the Primary Southbound (from memory controller to FBDIMMs)
Commands and Data as well as Secondary Northbound Commands and Data from the interposed FBDIMM located in the card edge connector on the top of the FS2343 Interposer Probe.
The probe can provide a single Southbound frame of 120 bits (10 lanes of 12 bits each) as well as a Northbound frame of 168 bits (14 lanes of 12 bits each) to the logic analyzer. On each line of the trace list a complete Northbound and Southbound frame is captured to simplify triggering. State Analysis of these frames is provided through the use of a Protocol Decoder.
The probe requires control through a SMBus provided by the logic analyzer. This control is provided with the probe that runs on the 16900 workspace and is linked to the probe thru the SMBus ports in the logic analyzer cards when used with the 1690x series Agilent Logic Analyzer frames. 16753/4/5/6 as well as 16950 cards are supported. This LAI control Probe