9. Using the PS Utility
PS Utility is a
Note: If you haven’t installed PS Utility yet, please follow the installation instructions as described in Section 3, Installing PS Utility.
You can start PS Utility by going to Start, (All) Programs, PS Utility, PS Utility v2.00.
Device Name: Lists any Print Server that is connected on your network.
Information: Displays the basic information for the selected Print Server.
Discover Device: Click on this button to automatically search for any Print Server that is connected to your network.
Change IP Address: Click on this button to change the IP Address and other TCP/IP settings for the Print Server.
Update Firmware: Click on this button to update the Print Server’s firmware.
Note: You must download the updated firmware from www.airlink101.com first.
Show Web Setup: Click on this button to display the Web Configuration Utility.
Factory Reset: Click on this button to reset the Print Server back to factory settings.
About: Click on this button to display the version number of the PS Utility.
Close: Click on this button to close PS Utility.