120 Chapter 13—Onboard Effects
03D—Owner’s Manual
Pitch ChangeMulti-effectDistortion
38 Symphonic SYMPHONIC Standard symphonic effect setting
39 Phaser PHASER Simulation of a standard phaser
40 16stagePhase PHASER Variation of a phaser. This uses all 16 stages of phase
41 Auto Pan AUTO PAN Standard auto-pan
42 Tremolo TREMOLO Standard tremolo effect settings
# Title Type Description
43 Mono Pitch HQ. PITCH Long delay with slightly shifted pitch. Effective on
vocal or solo instruments
44 Harmo 8va DUAL PITCH Sound one octave higher is returned
45 Dub Vocal DUAL PITCH Light harmonize effect produced by setting the
delay slightly longer
46 Pitch Chorus DUAL PITCH An effect using pitch shift to broaden the sound.
Unlike modulation effects such as chorus, this effect
features no pitch modulation
47 Funny Pitch DUAL PITCH An effect in which a pitch shifter is fed back to suc-
cessively drop the pitch
# Title Type Description
48 Sizzle-Rev REV+CHORUS An effect which adds chorus to reverb, with a bit of
emphasis on the high range
49 Echora-verb REV->CHORUS An effect which adds chorus to repeat delay
50 Clinging-Rev REV+FLANGE Long reverb with flanging effect added to produce
an impression of “clingy” modulation
51 Dly-Rev Long DELAY->REV Combination of stereo long delay and reverb
52 Vox Deverb MONODLY->REV Combination of mono delay and reverb, convenient
as a monitor effect for vocals etc
53 Panned Verb REV->PAN An effect in which reverberation is panned to left
and right
# Title Type Description
54 Guit. Fixer AMP SIMULATE This effect makes anything sound like distorted gui-
55 Drive Guitar AMP SIMULATE Amp simulation variation which assumes that an
electric guitar is being input via direct line
56 Distortion AMP SIMULATE Distortion template which assumes that an electric
guitar is being input via direct line
57 Overdrive AMP SIMULATE Overdrive variation which assumes that an electric
guitar is being input via direct line
# Title Type Description