140 Chapter 13—Onboard Effects
03D—Owner’s Manual
1. 6 ms–46.0 s fs=32 kHz/44.1 kHz, 5 ms–42.3 s fs=48 kHz
1. 0.02 ms–2.13 s fs=32 kHz/44.1 kHz, 0.02 ms–1.96 s fs=48 kHz
2. 6 ms–46.0 s fs=32 kHz/44.1 kHz, 5 ms–42.3 s fs=48 kHz
Parameter Range Description
SENSE 0–100 Input sensitivity.
TYPE LPF, HPF, BPF Select the filter type.
OFFSET 0–100 Filter frequency offset.
RESO. 0–20 Filter resonance.
DECAY 1Decay time of the change in filter frequency.
DIR. Up, Down Select whether the frequency will move upward (Up) or
downward (Down) in response to a high input level.
FREQ. 0.05–40.00 Hz LFO speed when the filter frequency is moved by the LFO.
DEPTH 0–100% Depth at which the LFO is applied.
PHASE 0.000–354.375˚ Left/right phase difference of the LFO.
LEVEL –40 to +6 dB Output level.
Parameter Range Description
SENSE 0–100 Input sensitivity.
FB.GAIN –99 to +99% Feedback amount.
OFFSET 0–100 Offset amount for the delay time.
LSF F 21 Hz–1.0 kHz Frequency of the low shelving filter.
LSF G –12 to +12 dB Gain of the low shelving filter.
DIR Up, Down Select whether the resonant frequency will move upward
(Up) or downward (Down) in response to a high input
EQ F 99 Hz–8.0 kHz Frequency of the parametric equalizer.
EQ G –12 to +12 dB Gain of the parametric equalizer.
HOLD 1Hold time.
HSF F 500 Hz–16 kHz Frequency of the high shelving filter.
HSF G –12 to +12 dB Gain of the high shelving filter.
DECAY 2Decay time.