Channel Delay 41
03D—Owner’s Manual
PARAMETER COPY—The COPY TO ALL CH switch is used to copy the delay param-
eter settings to all input channels and the stereo input channel. The following dialog
box appears when this switch is pressed.
Use OK to copy or CANCEL to cancel.
Viewing Channel Delay Settings
Channel delay settings can be viewed on the following two pages.
1. Use the [DELAY/] button to locate these pages.
The following page shows the delay settings for input channels 1 to 16.
The following page shows the delay settings for input channels 17 to 24 and the stereo
input channel.
These pages show the type of delay and delay time set for each channel. These settings
cannot be changed on these pages. The delays can, however, be turned on and off.
2. Use the [SEL] buttons to select channels and the [ENTER] button to turn
the delays on and off.
If you are using a mouse, simply click the switches. The switches can also be selected
using the cursor buttons.