Effects Parameters 129

03D—Owner’s Manual
Effects Parameters




1. 0.02 ms–2.13 s @ fs=32 Khz/44.1 kHz, 0.02 ms–1.96 s @ fs=48 kHz
2. 6 ms–46.0 s @ fs=32 Khz/44.1 kHz, 5 ms–42.3 s @ fs=48 kHz
1. EARLY REF. = S-Hall, L-Hall, Random, Reverse, Plate, Spring. REVERSE GATE & GATE
REVERB = Type-A, Type-B
Parameter Range Description
REV.TIME 0.3–99.0 s Length of the reverb.
INI.DLY 0.1–500.0 ms Delay time until the early reflections of the reverb are
HI.RATIO 0.1–1.0 Length of the high frequency reverberation, expressed as a
ratio relative to REV.TIME.
LO.RATIO 0.1–2.4 Length of the low frequency reverberation, expressed as a
ratio relative to the REV.TIME.
DIFF. 0–10 Left/right spread of the reverb.
DENSITY 0–100% Density of the reverb.
HPF THRU, 21 Hz–8.0
kHz Cutoff frequency of the high pass filter.
LPF 50 Hz–16.0 kHz,
THRU Cutoff frequency of the low pass filter.
E/R DLY 0.0–100.0 ms Delay time from the early reflections (ER) until the reverb.
E/R BAL. 0–100% Volume balance between the early reflections and the
reverb. A setting of 0% is only ER, and 100% is only reverb.
GATE LVL , –60 to 0 dB Threshold level of the gate. The reverb will be cut off when
the input level drops below the specified value.
ATTACK 0–120 ms Time required for the gate to open.
HOLD 1Time from when the input level drops below GATE LVL until
the gate begins to close.
DECAY 2Time required for the gate to close completely.
Parameter Range Description
TYPE 1Type of early reflection (ER) pattern.
ROOMSIZE 0.1–20.0 Indicates the size of the room; i.e., the spacing of the reflec-
LIVENESS 0–10 Indicates how the reflections decay. 0: dead, 10: live
INI.DLY 0.1–500.0 ms Delay time until the early reflections are heard.
DIFF. 0–10 Left/right spread of the reflections.
DENSITY 0–100% Density of the reflections.
ER NUM. 1–16 Number of early reflections.
HI.RATIO 0.1–1.0 High frequency amount of the feedback, expressed as a
ratio relative to the FB.GAIN.
FB.GAIN –99 to +99% Amount of feedback.
HPF THRU, 21 Hz–8.0
kHz Cutoff frequency of the high pass filter.
LPF 50 Hz–16.0 kHz,
THRU Cutoff frequency of the low pass filter.