Wordclock Setup 217
03D—Owner’s Manual
AUTO NAVIGATE—This function checks all possible word-
clock sources and then displays a dialog box recommending a
suitable source. Note, however, that this function is not perfect
and in some situations it may not be able to recommend a suit-
able source. The dialog box shown here appears when this func-
tion is selected.
MANUAL—These options allow you to select the wordclock source.
Internal wordclock at 44.1 kHz
Internal wordclock at 48 kHz
External wordclock via the DIGITAL STEREO IN (AES/EBU or Coaxial).
The STEREO INPUT ASSIGN FLIP switch on the D.in Setup page must be
set so that the AES/EBU or Coaxial signal is assigned to the ST IN.
External wordclock via the BNC WORD CLOCK IN connection
External wordclock via the YGDAI card inputs 1 and 2
External wordclock via the YGDAI card inputs 3 and 4
External wordclock via the YGDAI card inputs 5 and 6
External wordclock via the YGDAI card inputs 7 and 8
The status of these wordclock sources appear as follows.
03D locked to this wordclock source
Usable wordclock present
Wordclock signal present but not synchronized to selected wordclock. I f such
a signal is connected and the DIGITAL ST IN SYNC CAUTION or Y GD AI IN
SYNC CAUTION preference is set to ON, a warning message appears. See
03D Preferences on page 213 for more information.
No wordclock signal available.
FS—When the 03D is locked to a wordclock, the sampling rate appears here (48k,
44.1k, or 32k). When it is unlocked, the display shows UNLOCK. I f another page is
accessed in the unlocked state, UNLOCK appears on that page too.