03D—Owner’s Manual
Display Messages
Message Meaning
AUTOMIX MEMORY FULL! The automix memory is full. Delete some unnecessary
data or back up your data to a MIDI data filer.
AUTOMIX REC ABORTED. Automix recording was aborted and the data was dis-
carded. If the automix undo buffer is set to ENABLE, you
can undo the operation.
AUTOMIX REC STOPPED! Automix recording was stopped.
AUTOMIX REC TIME EXCEEDED! The total recording time for automix has been exceeded.
AUTOMIX RUNNING. Cannot operate while automix is recording or playing.
BULK: AUTOMIX MEMORY FULL! The received Bulk Dump data cannot be stored because
the automix memory is full.
BULK: BYTE COUNT MISMATCH! The byte count of the received Bulk Dump data is not cor-
BULK: CHECK SUM MISMATCH! The check sum of the received Bulk Dump data is not cor-
BULK: MEMORY PROTECTED! The Bulk Dump data cannot be stored because the desti-
nation is write-protected.
CANNOT CONNECT! Connection could not be made with the device selected
on the MIDI REMOTE page. Check the port setting and
CANNOT EXECUTE (NO DATA). Cannot execute as no data has been stored.
CH17–24 ARE DISABLED! When a CD8-CS cascade card is installed in the YGDAI
slot, input channels 17–24 are disabled.
The digital audio signal connected via the DIGITAL ST IN
connector is not synchronized with the wordclock master.
This may cause noise. Make sure that the device feeding
the DIGITAL ST IN is synchronized to the master wordclock
or make the DIGITAL ST IN the wordclock source. This
message can be disabled by setting the DIGITAL ST IN
SYNC CAUTION preference to OFF on the Prefer. page of
the UTILITY function.
FOR EFFECT1 ONLY. The selected effect program can be recalled only to
Effect 1.
LOW BATTERY!! The internal battery voltage is getting very low. Back up
the setup data (Bulk Dump on page 242), and ask your
dealer to replace the battery.
MIDI IN: DATA FRAMING ERROR! An incorrect signal may have been input to the MIDI IN.
MIDI IN: DATA OVERRUN! An incorrect signal may have been input to the MIDI IN.
MIDI: Rx BUFFER FULL! The 03D is probably receiving too much MIDI data.
MIDI: Tx BUFFER FULL! The 03D is probably transmitting too much MIDI data.
NO DATA TO RECALL. Cannot recall as no data has been stored.
Some channels are protected by the scene memory recall
safe function. However, the memory you are trying to
recall has different bus and aux pair settings and pan
mode (stereo/surround) settings, so the scene recall could
not be executed.
SOLO READY. Solo mode is active. Use the [SEL] buttons to solo chan-
SOLO SLAVE. When the 03D is configured as cascade slave, you cannot
change the solo status. Use the [SOLO] button on the cas-
cade master.
TC FRAME JUMP! The timecode being received is jumping and dropping
frames. Check the device outputting the timecode.