Effects Parameters 141

03D—Owner’s Manual

To record a sample, select the REC READY switch, and then press the [ENTER] button.

The REC READY switch appears highlighted, indicating that the effect is now ready to

record. If the REC MODE is set to MANUAL, press the [ENTER] button to start

recording. If REC MODE is set to INP TRG, recording starts automatically when the

input signal exceeds the TRG LEVEL.

1. 0.02 ms–2.13 s fs=32 kHz/44.1 kHz, 0.02 ms–1.96 s fs=48 kHz
2. 6 ms–46.0 s fs=32 kHz/44.1 kHz, 5 ms–42.3 s fs=48 kHz
2. 0–131070 samples (0.0–2730.6 ms fs=48 kHz, 0.0 ms–2972.1 ms fs=44.1 kHz,
0.0–4095.9 ms fs=32 kHz).
Parameter Range Description
SENSE 0–100 Input sensitivity.
FB.GAIN –99 to +99% Feedback amount.
OFFSET 0–100 Offset of the phase shift point.
HOLD 1Hold time.
DECAY 2Delay time.
DIR Up, Down Select whether the phase shift point will move upward (Up)
or downward (Down) in response to a high input level.
LSF F 21 Hz–1.0 kHz Frequency of the low shelving filter.
LSF G –12 to +12 dB Gain of the low shelving filter.
STAGE 2–16 Number of stages of phase shift.
HSF F 500 Hz–16 kHz Frequency of the high shelving filter.
HSF G –12 to +12 dB Gain of the high shelving filter.
Parameter Range Description
REC MODE MANUAL, INP TRG Select the recording mode. MANUAL: recording is started
by the [ENTER] button. INP TRG: recording is triggered by
the input signal.
REC. DLY –1000 to +1000
ms Specify the time difference between the trigger time and
when recording actually begins. Affects recording only.
TRG. LVL , –60–0 dB Specify the level of the input trigger.
Select the playback mode. MOMENT: playback will occur
while the [ENTER] button is pressed. CONTINUE: playback
will occur the specified number of times when the [ENTER]
button is pressed. INP TRG: same, but triggered by the
input signal.
TRG MASK 0–999.6 ms Specify the time from when triggering occurs until the next
trigger can be accepted. Affects playback only.
MIDI TRG OFF, C1–C6, ALL Make settings for triggering via MIDI note-on/off messages.
Only the specified note will trigger.
NUM 0–100 Specify the number of times that playback will be looped.
START 2Specify the point at which playback will begin.
END 2Specify the point at which playback will end. If looping is
used, this will be the repeat point.
LOOP 2Specify the start of the loop.
PITCH –12 to +12 Specify the change in playback pitch in semitone steps.
FINE –50 to +50 cent Specify a fine adjustment in 1-cent steps to the playback