232 Chapter 19—MIDI
03D—Owner’s Manual
MIDI and the 03DThe 03D works with MIDI in the following ways:
• Program Changes for mix scene recall (see Program Change Assign on page 239)
• Control Changes for real-time mix parameter control (Control Change Assign on
page 240)
• System Exclusive for parameter control (System Exclusive Parameter Control on
page 241)
• Bulk Dump for data backup and transfer between 03Ds (see Bulk Dump on
page 242)
• MTC (MIDI Timecode) and MIDI Clock for automix synchronization (see Setting
the Time Base on page 181)
• Note On/Off for fader start (MIDI Setup on page 235)
• Note On/Off for freeze effect control (see FREEZE (Effect 2 only) on page 141)
• MMC (MIDI Machine Control and MIDI Real Time Messages) for remote machine
control (see User Define Buttons on page 208)
• MIDI Remote (see MIDI Remote on page 243)
MIDI Connectors & TO HOSTIn addition to standard MIDI IN, OUT, and THRU
connectors, the 03D features a TO HOST connector.
This allows the 03D to be connected directly to a
personal computer without a MIDI interface. By
connecting other MIDI gear to the 03D’s standard
MIDI connectors, the 03D can be used as MIDI
interface for other gear too.
The TO HOST connection is a two-way connection,
which means it carries MIDI messages from the 03D
and 03D MIDI IN to a controlling computer, and
from the controlling computer to the 03D and the
The TO HOST connection can be used in one of two modes: STANDARD I/F or MUL-
TIPORT. TO HOST can be used as a personal computer MIDI interfac e in either mode.
TO HOST modes are selected on the MIDI/HOST page. See MIDI/HOST Setup on
page 233 for more information.
Standard I/F
In STANDARD I/F mode, the TO HOST connection works lik e an extra MIDI IN and
In MULTIPORT mode, TO HOST operation is virtually the same as in ST AND ARD I/F
mode except for the addition of MIDI Port Select messages. In this way the 03D func-
tions like it has multiple MIDI ports, although physically it does not have multiple
ports. Multiple ports provide multiple MIDI Channels, overcoming the 16 MIDI
Channel limit and preventing MIDI Channel conflicts. Your c ontr olling softwar e or
MIDI sequencer software must support multiple ports to use this mode.