Steam Requirements

NOTE: The maximum allowable steam pressure is8.6bar (125 psig). In no case may the pressure exceed this value.

Obtain specific steam service pipe sizes from the steam system supplier or a qualified steam fitter.

Refer to Figure 2 for proper steam pipe configurations.

When tumbler is on the end of a line of equipment, extend header at least 1.2 meters (4 feet) beyond tumbler. Install shut-off valve, union, check valve and bypass trap at end of line. If system has a gravity return to the boiler, omit trap.

Insulate steam supply and return lines for safety of operator and safety while servicing tumbler.

Keep tumbler in good working condition. Repair or replace any worn or defective parts.

Installation/Operation Supplement


All system components must have a 8.6 bar (125 psig) working pressure. Shut-off valves must be installed upstream of the steam solenoid valve and downstream of each steam trap so components can be isolated for maintenance or emergency purposes.

All components (solenoid valve, traps) must be supported to minimize loads on the tumbler steam coil connections.


NOTE: This manual is only a supplement. Refer to installation/operation manual for full instructions.

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