Supply Dispenser
Dry supplies are placed in the supply dispenser compartment cups prior to the start of each cycle.
Liquid supplies can be injected directly into the supply dispenser by an external chemical supply system.
NOTE: Supply dispenser compartment cups should not be removed when an external chemical injection supply system is attached to the washer- extractor.
The supply system flushes at preset times in the wash cycle. Refer to the following tables for more details.
Supply Dispenser Flush Times
Compartment | Time |
1 | Prewash and Wash Fill |
2 | Wash Fill |
3 | Wash After Fill |
4 | Rinse 3 Fill |
5 | Rinse 3 Fill |
Supply Signal Output Times
Output | Time |
1 | Prewash and Wash Fill |
2 | Wash Fill |
3 | Wash After Fill |
4 | Rinse 3 Fill |
5 | Rinse 3 Fill |
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