Patch SB251-13 For SwitchBlade 4000 Series Switches and AT-9800 Series Switches 3
Patch SB251-13 for Software Release 2.5.1
C613-10361-00 REV M
Ports on the SwitchBlade and AT-9800 are now initialised to advertise
pausing as disabled.
BGP and UPNP were not informed when an ETH interface went up or
down. This issue has been resolved.
The IP route filter did not always work correctly for OSPF. This issue has
been resolved.
HTTP proxy did not discard cookies nor allow/deny access to URLs when
a second pass on the URL was performed. This issue has been resolved.
In a network with a large number of L1 intermediate systems (L1-ISs) a fatal
error occurred after approximately 10 minutes. This issue has been
Direc ted IP v6 PI NG me ssage s wer e bein g tra nsmi tted f rom ot her i nter faces
if the specified interface was down. This issue has been resolved.
When CAM segments were full, the CAM entries were not being moved
correctly, and occasionally corrupting on compaction. This issue has been
The SHOW SYS SYSR SLAVE command did not return a list of valid
features. This issue has been resolved.
Entering the SHOW IPX CACHE command on the SwitchBlade or AT-9800
Series switches, was displaying a message stating that IPX route caching is
not supported.
This PCR, when introduced in Patch 12, resulted in the Master and Slave
controller cards restarting whenever the bootscript contained more than
2000 VLANs. This issue has been resolved.
The VLAN table was corrupting during a hot swap if a protocol or subnet
VLAN had previously been created.
PCR: 03603 Module: SWCX, SWI. Level: 3
PCR: 03606 Module: IPG Level: 2
PCR: 03609 Module: OSPF, IPG Level: 1
PCR: 03617 Module: FIREWALL Level: 2
PCR: 03643 Module: CLNS/OSI Level: 3
PCR: 03645 Module: OSPF, IPG Level: 2
PCR: 03663 Module: SWCX Level: 2
PCR: 03668 Module: SYSR Level: 2
PCR: 03686 Module: IPX Level: 3
PCR: 03688 Module: SYSR Level: 3
PCR: 03714 Module: VLAN Level: 2