18 Patch Release Note
Patch SB251-13 for Software Release 2.5.1
C613-10361-00 REV M
Figure 2: Example output from the SHOW MLDSNOOPING COUNTER command.
Table 1: Parameters displayed in the output of the SHOW MLDSNOOPING
Parameter Meaning
Status The status of MLD snooping; one of ENABLED or DISABLED.
Debugging The status of MLD snooping debugging; one of ENABLED
Group Timeout The switch’s timeout period for multicast group registration
(270 seconds). If no MLD listener joins are received during
this period of time, the group registration will be deleted.
Interface The interface for which multicast registrations are
Multicast Address The IPv6 multicast group address registered for a particular
VLAN interface.
Ports The member ports for the multicast group.
Entry Timeout The number of seconds remaining until this multicast
registration will be deleted if no listener joins are received.
MLD Snooping Counters
InMessages ........................ 52
InDiscards ........................ 2
InGenQueries ...................... 10
InSpecQueries ..................... 4
InJoins ........................... 20
InDones ........................... 16
Table 2: Parameters displayed in the output of the SHOW MLDSNOOPING
COUNTER command.
Parameter Meaning
InMessages The number of MLD messages received by the CPU on the
InDiscards The number of MLD messages received by the CPU on the
switch but discarded, for example, because the packets
were malformed.
InGenQueries The number of MLD general query messages received the
CPU on the switch.
InSpecQueries The number of MLD specific query messages received the
CPU on the switch.
InJoins The number of MLD listener joins messages received the
CPU on the switch.
InDones The number of MLD listener done messages received by the
CPU on the switch.