60 Patch Release Note
Patch SB251-13 for Software Release 2.5.1
C613-10361-00 REV M
Patch SB251-05 includes all issues resolved and enhancements released in
previous patches for Software Release 2.5.1, and the following enhancements:
Specifying the PORT and SPEED parameters with the CREATE SWITCH
TRUNK command did not set ports in a trunk group to advertise the correct
trunk group speed and duplex mode. This issue has been resolved.
A power cycle on the switch could cause the console port to become frozen
if a po rt was in a lin k up st ate. I f a por t went into a link do wn sta te, th en the
console port became unfrozen. If RESTART REBOOT or RESTART SWITCH
commands were used, then the console port functioned correctly. This issue
has been resolved.
Features in SB251-04
Patch file details are listed in Table6.
Patch SB251-04 includes all issues resolved and enhancements released in
previous patches for Software Release 2.5.1, and the following enhancements:
An internal misconfiguration of memory occurred when an M3 control card
and an M5 control card were installed, and the M3 control card was acting
as the Master. This could cause unexpected restarts. This issue has been
On a 48 port line card, or a 32F card, if Port 1 went down, or was
disconnected, then traffic on Port 13 was also stopped, and vice versa. The
same issue affected other pairs of ports. This issue has been resolved.
Port speeds on trunk ports sometimes had to be set using the SET SWITCH
PORT command instead of automatically adopting the trunk group speed.
If a port was added to a trunk group and the port status was ‘up’, (that is, it
Compressed Patch File Name sb251-05.paz
Compressed Patch File Size 71096 bytes
PCR: 03281 Module: SWI Level: 2
PCR: 03313 Module: SWI Level: 1
Table 6: Patch file details for Patch SB251-04.
Base Software Release File sb-251.rez
Patch Release Date 24 -Mar-2003
Compressed Patch File Name sb251-04.paz
Compressed Patch File Size 71112 bytes
PCR: 03226 Module: SWI Level: 2
PCR: 03228 Module: SWI Level: 1
PCR: 03230 Module: SWI Level: 2
Table 5: Patch file details for Patch SB251-05.