48 Patch Release Note
Patch SB251-13 for Software Release 2.5.1
C613-10361-00 REV M
A forwarded PIM-DM state Refresh message did not update the metric and
preference values. This issue has been resolved.
Added support for the new AT-9816GB-DC, and 9812T-DC hardware.
IGMP Query messages were not sent after IGMP was disabled and then re-
enabled. This issue has been resolved.
Outgoing BGP packets did not have the Internet Work control flags set in
the IP TOS bits. This issue has been resolved.
BGP was returning incorrect and/or incomplete bgp4AttrPath MIB entry
information. This issue has been resolved.
Configuration information was not exported to BGP peers when BGP was
disabled and then re-enabled. This issue has been resolved.
Some packets sent from BGP had an incorrect source IP address because it
was set to the IP address of the interface that was configured first. This issue
has been resolved. Packets are now always sent with the correct source IP
When the device was acting as a DNS relay agent, a fatal error occurred after
approximately 3 hours of heavy load. This issue has been resolved.
HTTP proxy was not denying an IP address if its corresponding domain
name was specified in a filter, or if a domain name was requested and its
corresponding IP address was in the filter. This issue has been resolved.
The range of values for the IPMTU parameter in the ADD DHCP POLICY
command was set incorrectly in PCR 03465. The correct range is 576-65535,
not 579-65535. This issue has been resolved.
IPv6 filters were not working correctly when the last entry of a filter was
altered using the SET IPV6 FILTER command. This issue has been resolved
PCR: 03533 Module: PIM Level: 3
PCR: 03534 Module: ALARM, CFLASH,
Level: 3
PCR: 03535 Module: IPG Level: 2
PCR: 03536 Module: BGP, TCP Level: 3
PCR: 03537 Module: BGP Level: 3
PCR: 03538 Module: BGP Level: 3
PCR: 03539 Module: IPG, BGP Level: 2
PCR: 03543 Module: IPG Level: 1
PCR: 03544 Module: HTTP, FIREWALL Level: 3
PCR: 03547 Module: DHCP Level: 3
PCR: 03549 Module: IPV6 Level: 3