This command enables automatic feedback from the front panel. The command affects any card with
Command Format: [STA1]
MT | Card Model Number |
VR | Firmware Revision |
RS | Resolution |
BR | Brightness |
CN | Contrast |
CL | Color |
SH | Sharpness |
HU | Hue |
CF | Comb Filter |
NR | Noise Reduction |
AR | Aspect Ratio |
FZ | Freeze |
Example 1:
Command = [MODER4C4]
Feedback = (RS04C04)
RS = Resolution
04= 1280x1024 (settings are
C04 = Card ID/slot number
Example 2:
Command = [MODEA1C4]
Feedback = (AR0C04)
AR = Aspect Ratio
0= Wide 16:9 (1 = 4:3)
C04 = Card ID/slot number
This command disables automatic feedback from the card and front panel. The command affects any card with
Command Format: [STA0]
This command selects the input port on the card to be used as the source. The current image properties, like brightness and color, do not change when the input is selected.
Command Format: [INyCn]
y= Resolution (y = # from 0 to 3) 0 =
1 = Composite Video
2 = PC Bypass
3 = Component Video
Cn = Card ID (n = # from 1 to max slots)
Send the command [IN0C4] to select the
This command selects the input port on the card to be used as the source and recalls its previously saved settings.
Command Format: [INyRCn]
y= Resolution (y = # from 0 to 3) 0 =
1 = Composite Video
2 = PC Bypass
3 = Component Video
R= Recall video adjustment settings Cn = Card ID (n = # from 1 to max slots) Example:
Send the command [IN0RC4] to select the
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