This command deletes one or all groups.
Command Format: [RMGk]
Gk = Group ID (k = # from
Remove all cards from G52 by sending [RMG5]. The system will return the following feedback:
Example 2:
Remove all cards from all groups, effectively deleting all groups, by sending [RMG*]. The system will return the following feedback:
This command reads and then displays the members in a group.
Command Format: [RDGk]
Gk = Group ID (k = # from
C2, C4, and C6 make up G5. Read the member data for G5 by sending the command [RDG5]. The system will return feedback as follows:
The feedback shows G5 and then the cards that make up G5. In this case, G5 includes C2, C4, and C6.
1) | [C] | Display card status |
2) | [CnS] | Save card settings |
3) | [CLR] | Restore saved settings |
4) | [FRESET] | Reset to factory defaults |
5) | [VER] | Display software version |
6) | [HELP] | Display available commands |
Feedback Commands
7) | [FBD] | Feedback delay |
8) | [?] | Display system cards |
9) | [?C] | Display card information |
10) | [STA1] | Enable auto feedback |
11) | [STA0] | Disable auto feedback |
Card Control |
| |
12) | [IN] | Select input port |
13) | [INR] | Select input and recall |
14) | [MODER] | Set output resolution |
15) | [BRIGHTm] Set/select brightness | |
16) | [BRIGHT] | Display/select brightness |
17) | [CONTRm] | Set/select contrast |
18) | [CONTR] | Display/select contrast |
19) | [COLORm] | Set/select color |
20) | [COLOR] | Display/select color |
21) | [SHARPm] | Set/select sharpness |
22) | [SHARP] | Display/select sharpness |
23) | [HUEm] | Set/select hue |
24) | [HUE] | Display/select hue |
25) | [MODET] | 3D comb filter |
26) | [MODEN] | Noise reduction |
27) | [MODEA] | Aspect ratio |
28) | [FREEZ] | Freeze image |
29) | [ + ] | Increment property by 1 |
30) | [ - ] | Decrement property by 1 |
ID Commands |
| |
31) | [RSI] | Reset Card IDs to defaults |
32) | [SIDn] | Set all Card IDs |
33) | [SIDnCi] | Set one Card ID |
34) | [SID+] | Set all Card IDs to an offset |
35) | [RSN] | Display card slot number |
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