Alto-Shaam 52C3KSA -2 End of operation, Operating environment - installation, Turn to position

Models: 52C3KSA -1 52C3KSA -2

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4.6 End of operation




Operating instructions US

4.6 End of operation






Turn to position 0




Never detach the high pressue hose while





the machine is in operation = Position 1, 2




or 1+2.




Danger of scalding!


Never detach high pressure hoses at a







water temperature above 120°F



To stop the machine turn the red start/stop knob (1) to position 0.

Close the shut-off cock of the water inlet (pos. 2) and activate spray lance or high pressure cock to relieve the pipeline / high pressure hose of pressure.

4.7 Operating environment - installation

Turn to position 00 LQ￿￿￿ ￿ ￿LQ￿

0 D[ ￿￿￿￿ ›)

0 LQ￿￿￿￿￿ ›)

0 D[ ￿￿￿￿LQ￿

0 LQ￿￿￿￿￿ LQ￿￿

0 D[ ￿￿￿￿ ›)

0 LQ￿￿￿￿ ￿›)

The system should be installed in a frost-free room. Pipelines and outlet points should also be protected. It should be possible to drain outdoor outlet points if they are exposed to frost. Min. room temp. = 36°F. Max. room temp. = 104°F.

IMPORTANT: Hoses, spray handle, lances and other accessories should always be thawed prior to use.


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Image 14
Alto-Shaam 52C3KSA -2 End of operation, Operating environment - installation, Turn to position, or 1+2, Danger of scalding