DX4™ | Controls and Features Cont. |
8.MAIN POWER SWITCH - This is the main power ON/OFF button. A red LED below the power switch will glow indicating main power is on. Before main power is applied, be sure you have made all connections to the mixer. Also be sure your amplifi er(s) is(are) turned off. Remember to avoid damag- ing pops to your speakers, the mixer is turned on fi rst and turned off last.
9.MIC 2 VOLUME (MICROPHONE 2 VOLUME LEVEL) - This rotary knob is used to control the volume output level for any microphone connected to the MIC 2 INPUT JACK (30). Turning the knob in a clockwise direction will increase volume output.
10.CUE SELECTOR BUTTON - These buttons are used to activate a channels “CUE” mode. A red LED next to the Cue Selector Button will glow when a channels cue mode is activated. The Cue function sends a channels incoming signal to the headphones. The cue volume level is adjusted by the CUE LEVEL KNOB (15) Be sure the CUE MIXING KNOB (14) is in the “CUE” position to hear a selected channel‘s source.
11.FADER ASSIGN SWITCH - This is a five position switch that assigns a channel to the CROSS- FADER (12) . When a channel is assigned to the left side of the CROSSFADER (12) that channels output level is routed to and controlled by the CROSSFADER (12) . Sliding the CROSSFADER (12) to left position will send the volume output of the assigned channel to the MASTER VOLUME LEVEL (5) siding the CROSSFADER (12) to right position will cut that channels volume to MASTER VOLUME LEVEL (5) The reverse is true for the right channel fader assign switch. When the assign switch is set to the "OFF" position the crossfader will have no function.
12.FEATHER FADER PLUS CROSSFADER - This fader is used to blend the output signals of any two channels together. When the fader is in the full left position, the output signal of any channel assigned to the left side of the fader will be controlled by the master volume level. The same fundamentals will apply for any channel assigned to the right side of the fader. Sliding the fader from left position to the right will vary the output signals of any two channels respectively. When the crossfader is set in the center position, the output signals of both channels will be even.
13.BOOTH LEVEL (BOOTH LEVEL VOLUME CONTROL) - This rotary knob is used to control the output volume to any source connect to the BOOTH OUTPUT JACKS (25) on the rear of the unit. Be sure this volume control is always set to zero before turning the unit on and off.
14.CUE MIXING CONTROLLER - This knob is used to select the monitoring source, either the master output or a channel. The cue level is prefader and is not affected by a channel’s fader level. To moni- tor the master output signal turn the knob to the “PGM” position to monitor a channel signal turn the knob to the “CUE” position. To vary the amount of either signal turn the knob more or less to the center position. If the knob is set to the center position, you can monitor both the cue and master output levels equally.
15.CUE LEVEL VOLUME CONTROL - This knob adjusts the headphone volume output level. Turning the knob in clockwise direction will increase headphone volume output.
16.HEADPHONE JACK - This jack is used to connect your headphones to the mixer allowing you to monitor the cue source. Use headphones only rated at 8 ohms to 32 ohms. Most DJ headphones are rated at 16 ohm, these are highly recommended. Always be sure the CUE LEVEL VOLUME (12) is set to minimum before you put the headphones on.
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