The following sections of this manual are organized specific to
the system level to be installed. A level is defined as 16 video
outputs, and may consist of one to several bays. Level 1 is for
a maximum of 16 outputs, Level 2 is for 32 outputs, and so on
up to Level 8 which is for a maximum of 128 outputs.
System bays are supplied in the following two configurations:
Standard (Model 2010R) and Condensed (Model 2020R).
References to "Right" or "Left" in the following
instructions apply to the Bays as viewed from the REAR.
Level 1 systems can have a maximum of five 2010R Standard
matrix switching bays that each contain the 2010PS Power
Supply Module and a 2010DB or 2010DBVL Data Buffer
Module. Level 1 Systems can consist of a maximum of
AD1024 video inputs and a maximum of 16 video outputs (15
outputs if the 2010DBVL module is used).
For a Level 1 system with Video Loss Detection capability, the
video output for monitor 16 is replaced by the Video Loss
Detection function in the 2010DBVL Module. Since each
2010DBVL can detect video losses for a maximum of 256
cameras, an additional 2010DBVL Module is required in each
camera bay, for each block of 256 cameras. The first camera
bay would use a 2010DBVL-11, the second bay a 2010DBVL-
21, the third bay a 2010DBVL-31 and the fourth bay a
2010DBVL-41. In a multi-bay system where the last bay
contains both camera modules and monitor modules, that bay
would use a 2010DBVL-00 module. In a five-bay system, the
fifth bay is exclusively a monitor bay and would require the
2010DB-00 Module, not the 2010DBVL-00.
LEVEL 1 - 256 X 16, One Bay System with no Titles
A one bay, Level 1 system, without VOM modules for video
titles, allows a maximum of 256 video inputs switched to a
maximum of 16 video outputs.
This system does not contain 2024VOM modules.
From the rear of the bay, the modules are installed at the
factory in the following manner; the far right module is the
2010PS; the next module is the 2010DB-01 with 16 BNCs for
untitled video outputs, followed by one to sixteen 2016AVIM-
1 modules. Smaller matrices, such as those ordered with future
expansion in mind, may have fewer modules installed.
Data Interconnect: Connect a 75-ohm coaxial cable from the
DATA LINE-1 output on the AD1024 CPU, to the Data IN
BNC on the 2010PS rear panel. Connect a 75-ohm BNC
terminator (supplied with the CPU) to the Data Out BNC on
Power Supply rear panel.
Video Input Connections: The 2016AVIM is identified with
the camera input icon .
The starting camera
number, for the particular
VIM, is located at the top
BNC. Each 2016AVIM-1 includes 16 terminated BNCs for
video input connections. The first 2016AVIM-1, located
immediately to the left of the 2010DB-01, is for video inputs 1
- 16, the second 2016AVIM-1 module is for inputs 17 - 32, etc.
In succession, connect the video inputs to each 2016AVIM-1
module, top to bottom. Each VIM will accept 16 video inputs.
Continue until all inputs are connected to the system. Unused
video inputs, on the VIM, do not require any external
connection or termination, and may be left open. See Figure
16, Video Input Module, page 8.
Video Output Connections with No Titles: Each 2010DB-01
in the system has 16 BNCs. The top most BNC corresponds to
video output 1 and the bottom video output corresponds to
number 16. Connect the video outputs to any device that
accepts standard video such as monitors or video recorders.
See Figure 4, 2010DB-01 Rear Panel with 16 BNCs, page 4.
In the Appendix, see Figure A1, 256 X 16, One Bay System
with No Titles.