LEVEL 3 - 448 X 48, Six Bay System
A six bay, Level 3 systems allows a maximum of 448 video
inputs switched to a maximum 48 video outputs. Bay one
consists of 256 video inputs, bay two consists of 192 video
inputs with the first group 16 video outputs, bay three consists
of 256 video inputs, bay four consists of 192 video inputs with
the second group 16 video outputs, bay five consists of 256
video inputs, bay six consists of 192 video inputs with the third
group 16 video outputs.
From the rear of bay one, the modules are installed at the
factory in the following manner; the far right module is the
2010PS, the next module is the 2010DB-11 with 16 BNCs for
connection to the 2024VOM-1 modules in bay two, followed
by sixteen 2016AVIM-2 modules, inputs 1-256.
From the rear of bay two, the modules are installed at the
factory in the following manner; the far right module is the
2010PS, the next module is the 2010DB-00, followed by
twelve 2016AVIM-2 modules, inputs 257-448, and four
2024VOM-1 modules, outputs 1-16.
From the rear of bay three, the modules are installed at the
factory in the following manner; the far right module is the
2010PS, the next module is the 2010DB-12 with 16 BNCs for
connection to the video output modules in bay four, followed
by sixteen 2016AVIM-3 modules, inputs 1-256.
From the rear of bay four, the modules are installed at the
factory in the following manner; the far right module is the
2010PS, the next module is the 2010DB-00, followed by
twelve 2016AVIM-3 modules, inputs 257-448, and four
2024VOM-1 modules, outputs 17-32.
From the rear of bay five, the modules are installed at the
factory in the following manner; the far right module is the
2010PS, the next module is the 2010DB-13 with 16 BNCs for
connection to the video output modules in bay six, followed by
sixteen 2016AVIM-4 modules, inputs 1-256.
From the rear of bay six, the modules are installed at the
factory in the following manner; the far right module is the
2010PS, the next module is the 2010DB-00, followed by
twelve 2016AVIM-4 modules, inputs 257-448, and four
2024VOM-1 modules, outputs 33-48.
Smaller matrices such as those ordered with future expansion
in mind, may have fewer modules installed.
Data Interconnect: See LEVEL 3 - 192 X 48, Three Bay
System and connect all bays in a similar manner.
Video Interconnections: The 16 video outputs from bay 1,
bay 3, and bay 5 located on the rear panel of the 2010DB-11, -
12, and -13 respectively, are grouped by fours and identified by
the icon.
Each 2024VOM-1 is similarly grouped with three sections of
four BNCs, with identifying icons. A fourth section of four
BNCs is used for video output connections. The left most
2024VOM-1 module is assigned to outputs 1-4, the next for
outputs 5-8, etc.
Using high grade RG-59U video cables, connect the top-most
BNC from bay 1 on the 2010DB-11 panel, numbered 1, to the
2024VOM-1 in bay 2, for output 1, matching icon to icon .
Continue in this manner until connections 1-4 of the 2010DB-
11 panel are connected to inputs 1-4 of the first 2024VOM-1.
Proceed to the next group of four BNCs on the 2010DB-11 of
the first bay and connect these four to the second 2024VOM-1
in the second bay for outputs 5-8. Continue in this manner
until all 16 connections of the 2010DB-11 panel are connected
to the 2024VOM-1s for outputs 1-16.
Connect the top-most BNC from bay 3 on the 2010DB-12
panel, numbered 17, to the 2024VOM-1 in bay 4, for output
17, matching icon to icon. Continue in this manner until
connections 17-20 of the 2010DB-12 panel are connected to
inputs 17-20 of the first 2024VOM-1 of the fourth bay.
Proceed to the next group of four BNCs on the 2010DB-12
panel of the third bay and connect these four to the second
2024VOM-1 of the fourth bay for outputs 21-24. Continue in
this manner until all 16 connections of the 2010DB-12 panel
are connected to the 2024VOM-1s in the fourth bay for outputs
Connect the top-most BNC from bay 5 on the 2010DB-13
panel, numbered 33, to the 2024VOM-1 in bay 6, for output
33, matching icon to icon. Continue in this manner until
connections 33-36 of the 2010DB-13 panel are connected to
inputs 33-36 of the first 2024VOM-1 of the sixth bay. Proceed
to the next group of four BNCs on the 2010DB-13 of the fifth
bay and connect these four to the second 2024VOM-1 of the
sixth bay for outputs 37-40. Continue in this manner until all
16 connections of the 2010DB-13 panel are connected to the
2024VOM-1s in the sixth bay for outputs 33-48. See
Appendix Figure A18, Video Interconnections.
If there are less than twelve 2024VOM-1s in the system, the
remaining BNCs on the 2010DB-XX do not require any
Video Input Connections: SeeLEVEL 3 - 192 X 48, Three
Bay System and connect in a similar manner.
Video Output Connections: See LEVEL3 - 192 X 48, Three
Bay System.
In the Appendix, see Figure A14, 448 X 48, Six Bay System.