Continue in this manner until connections 1-4 of the 2010DB-
11 panel are connected to inputs 1-4 of the first 2024VOM-1 of
bay 4. Proceed to the next group of four BNCs on the
2010DB-11 of the first bay and connect these four to the
second 2024VOM-1 for outputs 5-8. Continue in this manner
until all 16 connections of the 2010DB-11 panel are connected
to the 2024VOM-1 modules.
Connect bay 5 in a similar manner to the 2024VOM-1s of bay
8 for video outputs 17-32, matching icon to icon.
Connect bay 9 in a similar manner to the 2024VOM-1s of bay
12 for video outputs 33-48, matching icon to icon.
Connect the topmost BNC from bay 2 on the 2010DB-21
panel, numbered 1, to the 2024VOM-1 in bay 4, for output 1,
matching icon to icon.
Continue in this manner until connections 1-4 of the 2010DB-
21 panel are connected to inputs 1-4 of the 2024VOM-1 of bay
4. Proceed to the next group of four BNCs on the 2010DB-21
and connect these four to the second 2024VOM-1 for outputs
5-8. Continue in this manner until all 16 connections of the
2010DB-21 panel are connected to the 2024VOM-1s for
outputs 1-16.
Connect bay 6 in a similar manner to the 2024VOM-1s of bay
8 for video outputs 17-32, matching icon to icon.
Connect bay 10 in a similar manner to the 2024VOM-1s of bay
12 for video outputs 33-48, matching icon to icon.
Connect the top-most BNC from bay 3 on the 2010DB-31
panel, numbered 1, to the 2024VOM-1 in bay 4, for output 1,
matching icon to icon.
Continue in this manner until connections 1-4 of the 2010DB-
31 panel are connected to inputs 1-4 of the 2024VOM-1.
Proceed to the next group of four BNCs on the 2010DB-31 and
connect these four to the second 2024VOM-1 for outputs 5-8.
Continue in this manner until all 16 connections of the
2010DB-31 panel are connected to the 2024VOM-1s for
outputs 1-16.
Connect bay 7 in a similar manner to the 2024VOM-1s of bay
8 for video outputs 17-32, matching icon to icon.
Connect bay 11 in a similar manner to the 2024VOM-1s of bay
12 for video outputs 33-48, matching icon to icon.
See Appendix Figure A18, Video Interconnections, for
illustration of these connections.
If there are less than eight 2024VOM-1s in the system the
remaining BNCs on the 2010DB-XX do not require any
Video Input Connections: See LEVEL 3 - 192 X 48, Three
Bay System and connect in a similar manner.
Video Output Connections: See LEVEL 3 - 192 X 48, Three
Bay System and connect in a similar manner.