Changing Automatic White Balance Settings

1.Select Camera Functions from the Dome Configuration Menu. The highlight appears on the

Auto White Bal setting.

2.Change the setting.

Select Off to manually adjust the red or blue settings. Continue with step 3.

Select On for automatic white balance. Continue with step 7.

The default setting is On.

3.Do one of the following:

To change the red setting, move the highlight bar to W Bal Adj: Red, and then continue with step 4.

To change the blue setting, continue with step 5.

4.Adjust the red setting. The values range from 0 to 511 and change in increments of 5.

There is no default value for the red setting.

5.Do one of the following:

To change the blue setting, move the highlight bar to Blue, then continue with step 6.

If you are finished making changes, continue with step 7.

6.Adjust the blue setting. The values range from 0 to 511 and change in increments of 5.

There is no default value for the blue setting.

7.Select Exit. The Dome Configuration Menu appears. Continue with What To Do Next on page 3–10.

Understanding How IR (Black & White) Mode Operates

SpeedDome Ultra VII Day/Night provides a black-and-white (B/W) mode to improve camera performance when the light level falls below certain thresholds. This allows clear images to be obtained under low-light conditions. This is referred to as IR Mode. There are five IR Mode settings: Off, On, Auto High, Auto Mid and Auto Low. The following table lists the approximate lux values when the camera is expected to switch between color and B/W modes. Actual values depend on the current zoom setting of the camera and the light source.


IR Mode



Camera Performance



B/W Mode



B/W Mode














































No B/W capabilities.











Full-time B/W mode.









Auto High


Cleanest possible picture.



~30 lux



~135-155 lux





No field integration effect.









Auto Mid


Minimizes field integration



~3 lux



~20-25 lux














Auto Low


Maximizes color low-light



~.5 lux



~10-12 lux













Configuring Camera Features
