Use the HyperTerminal Program to Change the Number of External Battery Packs
HyperTerminal is used for Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT 4.0
1.EXIT out of the PowerChute plus Server. In the case of Windows NT, the UPS service must be stopped.
2.From the Desktop, go to: Start => Programs => Accessories => HyperTerminal.
3.You are prompted to choose a name and select an icon. Give any name and then click OK. If a message appears which reads "...must install a modem," disregard it and continue.
4.The port settings are 2400 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, flow control is Xon/Xoff.
5.Click on Advanced and ensure the box labeled FIFO buffer is NOT checked.
6.Click OK twice.
7.Once the terminal/hyperterminal window is open, follow these steps:
Step Number | Type | Produced Effect |
1 | Y | Produces SM |
2 | > | To see the number of external packs. (A new unit will display 000.) |
3 | + | Adds a battery pack. |
4 | > | To see the change in number of external battery packs. |
5 | - | Subtracts a battery pack. |
6 | > | To see the change in number of external battery packs. |
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