American Power Conversion UPA9 manuel dutilisation Technické údaje

Models: UPA9

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Technické údaje

Vstupní stejnosmûrné napûtí (DC):

11-16 V

Vstupní stfiídavé napûtí (AC):

100-127 V, 50/60 Hz; 220-240 V, 50/60 Hz



V˘stupní napûtí

12 V, 15 V, 16 V, 18 V, 19 V, 20 V. Viz zadní strana UPA,


kde jsou uvedeny v˘stupní jmenovité v˘kony.




0,39 kg, vãetnû vstupního kabelu na stfiídav˘ proud



Vyhledávání a odstraÀování poruch


MoÏná pfiíãina





Dioda LED svítí, kdyÏ je

Pfiepínaã napûtí UPA není

Odpojte UPA ze zdroje napájení, vyberte

zapojena zástrãka, av‰ak

správnû nastaven.

správné nastavení napûtí (viz „Pfiíruãka

poãítaã pracuje na


kompatibility”), zapojte UPA zpût na



zdroj napájení.




Dioda LED nesvítí,

Spálená pojistka pfiístroje UPA

Vy‰roubujte koncov˘ konektor napájení

jestliÏe je pfiipojení

uvnitfi konektoru napájení

AUTO a vymûÀte pojistku.

provedeno v autû.






Dioda LED zhasla;

Na voliãi napûtí UPA bylo

Odpojte UPA od zdroje napájení, vyãkejte

poãítaã pracuje na

zmûnûno nastavení v dobû, kdy

10 sekund, pfiipojte UPA zpût na zdroj


byl pfiístroj UPA pouÏíván.



UPA chrání notebook pfied



v˘kyvy napûtí.





Dioda LED zhasla;

Poãítaã vyÏaduje vût‰í v˘kon,

UPA se automaticky znovu zapne, jakmile

poãítaã pracuje na baterii

neÏ je UPA schopn˘ dodat. UPA

se ochladí. Zkuste umístit UPA na

a UPA je pfii dotyku

je umístûn na místû, kde nemÛÏe

chladnûj‰í místo, s lep‰í cirkulací vzduchu


pfiimûfien˘m zpÛsobem odvádût

(tj. mimo kuffiík notebooku). Ke sníÏení



pfiíkonu mÛÏete také zmûnit vlastnosti



fiízení spotfieby Va‰eho notebooku.





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American Power Conversion UPA9 manuel dutilisation Technické údaje

UPA9 specifications

American Power Conversion (APC) has established itself as a leading provider of power protection solutions, and one of its standout products is the APC UPA9 uninterruptible power supply (UPS). Designed for various applications, the UPA9 is engineered to ensure that critical systems remain operational during power disturbances, making it an essential device for businesses and organizations that rely on uptime.

The APC UPA9 features a high-capacity battery with a scalable architecture, which allows users to tailor the UPS's power output according to their specific needs. With its capacity for handling loads up to 9 kVA, the UPA9 provides robust support for mission-critical equipment found in data centers, telecommunications, and industrial settings.

One of the main technologies incorporated into the UPA9 is its line-interactive design. This technology offers an efficient way to manage voltage fluctuations and surge protection without needing to switch to battery power, thereby preserving battery life and reducing wear. Alongside this, the UPA9 employs advanced sinewave output, ensuring that connected devices receive clean and consistent power, which is vital for sensitive electronics.

The UPA9 is equipped with a customizable management interface that provides real-time monitoring of power conditions. Users can access detailed information about voltage, frequency, and battery status through a user-friendly LCD display. Additionally, remote management capabilities are seamlessly integrated, allowing IT professionals to monitor the UPS from anywhere using a network interface. This feature enhances the manageability of power resources and aids in proactive maintenance.

For redundancy and scalability, the UPA9 supports parallel operation, enabling multiple units to work together for added capacity and increased reliability. This is especially beneficial in applications where load demands may vary, providing a seamless upgrade path without the need for extensive downtime.

Moreover, the UPA9 is designed with energy efficiency in mind. Its smart features adapt to different operating conditions, reducing energy consumption and associated costs. This not only helps organizations save on electricity bills but also aligns with sustainability goals, making it an environmentally friendly choice.

In summary, the APC UPA9 UPS combines high capacity, advanced technologies, and intelligent management features to deliver reliable power protection for critical applications. Its line-interactive design, customizable interfaces, and energy efficiency make it a vital component in maintaining operational continuity across various sectors. Whether for data centers, corporate environments, or industrial applications, the UPA9 stands out as a comprehensive power management solution.