Programming The MIO
IR Code Matrix (Cont.)
Button | Label | Mode 1 | Mode 2 | Mode 3 | Mode 4 | Mode 5 | Mode 6 |
41 | S. REV Z | 7 | 47 | 87 | 127 | 167 | 207 |
42 | PLAY A | 1 | 41 | 81 | 121 | 161 | 201 |
43 | S. FWD Y | 6 | 46 | 86 | 126 | 166 | 206 |
44 | REW E | 5 | 45 | 85 | 125 | 165 | 205 |
45 | FWD D | 4 | 44 | 84 | 124 | 164 | 204 |
Configuration Mode
The configuration mode allows you to set the following device features:
IR Transmit Mode (38 KHz or 455 KHz)
Timeout Adjustment
Download Mode
Debug Mode
Battery Type
LED Awake Brightness
Sleep Brightness
To enter configuration Mode:
1.Press and hold the STOP button and the INPUT button. The two buttons must be pressed within 0.1 seconds of each other and held down for 2 seconds. The device indicates you are now in configuration mode. See below for available modes.
2.Press the EXIT key when you are finished.
Note: Your settings will not be lost in the event your batteries die or are removed.
IR Transmit Mode
Pressing button "1" on the remote toggles the IR transmission mode between 38Khz and 455Khz. The display indicates the current mode.
Timeout Adjustment
Press button "2" on the remote to change the sleep timeout from the default. Each time "2" is pressed, the sleep timeout raises incrementally. The
The display indicates the selected sleep timeout.
Download Mode
Pressing "3" on the remote toggles the Download mode OFF and ON. The Download mode must be ON before you can download a file to the MIO
MIO | 7 |