Terminal (Program Port/Telnet) Commands
NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide

Login: User1

Password: *****

Login not authorized. Please try again.

After a delay, another login prompt will be displayed to allow you to try again.

If after 5 prompts, the login information is not entered correctly, the following message will

be displayed and the connection closed:

Login not allowed. Goodbye!

Terminal Commands

The Terminal commands listed in the following table can be sent directly to the Master via either a

Program Port or a Telnet terminal session (with the exception of the "Help Security" and

"Resetadminpassword" commands, which are only available to a Program Port (RS232) connection.

In your terminal program, type "Help" or a question mark ("?") and <Enter> to access the Help Menu,

and display the Program port commands described below:

If a connection is opened, but a valid a username / password combination is not

entered (i.e. just sitting at a login prompt), the connection will be closed after one


Terminal Commands

Command Description
----- Help ----- <D:P:S> (Extended diag messages are OFF)
<D:P:S>: Device:Port:System. If omitted, assumes Master.
? or Help Displays this list of commands.
DATE Displays the current date and day of the week.
10/31/2004 Wed
DEVICE HOLDOFF ON|OFF Sets the Master to holdoff devices (i.e. does not allow them to report
ONLINE) until all objects in the NetLinx program have completed
executing the DEFINE_START section.
If set to ON, any messages to devices in DEFINE_START will be lost,
however, this prevents incoming messages being lost in the Master
upon startup.
When DEVICE_HOLDOFF is ON, you must use ONLINE events to trig-
ger device startup SEND_COMMANDs.
By default, DEVICE HOLDOFF is OFF to maintain compatibility with
Axcess systems where devices are initialized in DEFINE_START.
Note: This command sets the state of the device holdoff. The
GET DEVICE HOLDOFF command reveals whether the state is On or
>Device Holdoff ON
Device Holdoff Set.
DEVICE STATUS <D:P:S> Displays a list of all active (on) channels for the specified D:P:S.
If you enter DEVICE STATUS without the D:P:S variable, the Master
displays ports, channels, and version information.
DISK FREE Displays the total bytes of free space available on the Master.
The disk has 2441216 bytes of free space.