WebConsole - Security Options
NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide
System Security - Group LevelSelect the Group Level tab of the Security Page to access the Group Security Details page (FIG.20).
The options in this page allow authorized users to assign and alter group properties such as creating,
modifying, or deleting a group’s rights, and also allows for the definition of the files/directories
accessible by a particular group.
Adding a New Group
1. Select the Group Level tab (in the Security section) to open the Group Security Details page.
2. Click the Add New Group button (see FIG.20) to access the Add a group and modify settings
page (FIG. 21).
3. In the Group Name field, enter a unique name for the new group.
The name must be a valid character string consisting of 4 - 20 alpha-numeric characters.
The string is case sensitive and must be unique.
The word "administrator" cannot be used for a new group name since it already exists by
4. Enable the security access rights you want to provide to the group. By default, all of these options
are disabled. See the Group and User Security Access Optionssection on page 34 for details.
5. In the Group Directory Associations section, place a checkmark next to the directories (available
on the target Master) to provide an authorized group with access rights to the selected directories.
FIG. 20 Group Security Details page
A Group represents a logical collection of individual users. Any properties possessed
by a group are inherited by all members of that group.