WebConsole - System Options
66 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide
2. Press the Accept button to save your changes.
Managing Device ModulesUse the Manage Device Modules set of options to archive or delete modules from the Master. All
modules currently present on the Master are indicated in the Module list.
To archive a module:
1. Select a module and click the Archive Module button.
2. This action copies the selected module (*.JAR) file to your PC.
3. The system will prompt you to specify a target directory to save the module file to.
To delete a module:
Select a module and click the Delete Module button. This action deletes the selected module from the /
unbound directory.
Binding Options (Cont.)
Option Description
Enable Auto Bind (Cont.): For example, if the application only has one VCR defined and a VCR is
detected in the system, auto-binding can then be accomplished. If there
were two VCRs defined within the application, auto-binding could not be
completed due to the lack of a clearly defined one-to-one correspon-
When this option is not selected, no auto-binding activity takes place and
all binding of the newly discovered devices must be accomplished manu-
ally via the Web control interface.
Enable Auto-Shutdown: Auto-Shutdown forces the termination of modules that have lost commu-
nication with their respective physical device. This capability is needed for
plug-and-play support.
By default, Auto-Shutdown is enabled. If automatic termination of mod-
ules when they have lost communication is not desired, this selection
should be disabled.
Enable Subnet Match: This selection allows you to specify whether or not IP devices should only
be detected/discovered if they are on the same IP Subnet as the Master.
Purge Bound Modules on Reset: This selection indicates that all modules should be deleted from the bound
directory upon the next reboot.
During the binding process, the associated Duet modules for a device are
copied from the /unbound directory into a protected /bound area.
Due to the dynamic nature of Java class loading, it is not safe to delete a
running .JAR file. Therefore, this selection provides the administrator the
capability of removing existing modules upon reboot by forcing a re-acqui-
sition of the module at bind time.
This selection is a one-time occurrence - upon the next reboot, the selec-
tion is cleared.
Disable Module Search
via Internet:
This option toggles the capability of searching the Internet (either AMX's
site or a device specified site) for a device’s compatible Duet modules.
This capability is automatically disabled if the Master does not have Inter-
net connectivity.
Upon enabling Internet connectivity, the AMX License Agreement is dis-
played. The License Agreement must be accepted for Internet Module
search feature to be enabled.
When this feature is enabled, the Master queries either AMX's Online
database of device Modules and/or pulls Modules from a separate site
specified by the manufacturer's device.
You can later disable this feature by toggling this button.