Terminal (Program Port/Telnet) Commands
96 NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide
Terminal Commands (Cont.)
Command Description
PASS [D:P:S or NAME] Sets up a pass through mode to a device. In pass through mode, any
string received by the device is displayed on the screen, and anything
typed is sent as a string to the device.
The device can be on any system that the Master you are connected
to is able to reach.
You can specify the device number, port, and system, or the name of
the device that is defined in the DEFINE_DEVICE section of the pro-
• Mode is exited by ++ ESC ESC.
• Display Format is set by ++ ESC n
Where n =
A, format = ASCII
D, format = Decimal
H = Hex
Note: Refer to the ESC Pass Codessection on page 106 for detailed
descriptions of the supported pass codes.
Entering pass mode.
PING [ADDRESS] Pings an address (IP or URL), to test network connectivity to and con-
firms the presence of another networked device. The syntax is just like
the PING application in Windows or Linux.
>ping is alive.
PROGRAM INFO Displays a list of program files and modules residing on the Master.
-- Program Name Info
-- Module Count = 1
1 Name is i!-PCLinkPowerPointTest
-- File Names = 2
1 = C:\Program Files\AMX Applications\i!-
2 = C:\Program Files\Common
2 = Name is MDLPP
-- File Names = 2
1 C:\AppDev\i!-PCLink-PowerPoint\i!-
2 C:\Program files\Common
PULSE [D:P:S or NAME,CHAN] Pulses a specified channel on a device on and off. The device can be
on any system the Master you are connected to can reach.
You can specify the device number, port, and system; or the name of
the device that is defined in the DEFINE_DEVICE section of the pro-
Sending Pulse[50001:8:50,1]
PWD Displays the name of the current directory.
The current directory is doc: