Terminal (Program Port/Telnet) Commands
NI Series WebConsole & Programming Guide

Default Security Configuration

By default, the NetLinx Master will create the following accounts, access rights, directory associations,
and security options.
Account 1: User Name: administrator
Password: password
Group: administrator
Rights: All
Directory Association: /*
Account 2: User Name: NetLinx
Password: password
Group: none
Rights: FTP Access
Directory Association: none
Group 1: Group: administrator
Rights: All
Directory Association: /*
Security Options: FTP Security Enabled
Admin Change Password Security Enabled
All other options disabled
The administrator user account cannot be deleted or modified with the exception of its
password. Only a user with "Change Admin Password Access" rights can change the
administrator password.
The NetLinx user account is created to be compatible with previous firmware versions.
The administrator group account cannot be deleted or modified.
The FTP Security and Admin Change Password Security are always enabled and cannot be
Logging Out of a Terminal Session
It is very important to execute the 'logout' command prior to disconnecting from a Master.
Simply removing the RS-232 connector from the Program Port maintains your logged-in status until you
either return to logout via a new session or reboot the target Master.