130 TPI-PRO Total Presentation Interface - Pro Edition
List Box Commands (Cont.)
List View Commands
Filter a list by setting what
column to use and what
string to compare
Filter a list by setting what column to use and what string to compare. Note that
setting column to zero or data to none makes the filtered ordering the same as
sorted ordering. Update must be called for changes to take effect.
address>,<uniflag>,<column>,<search data>'"
• view address = the address of the view definition
• uniflag = indicates unicode; 0 - No unicode, 1 - Uses unicode
• column = the starting column number (first column is 1)
• search data = the data on which to filter
SEND_COMMAND Device,"'LVF-1,0,2,Smith'"
Filters list based on column 2 such that only those rows whose column 2
contains Smith are displayed. The data is displayed according to the view
definitions located at address 1. Filter is case sensitive.
Set the data list to be
Set the data list to be displayed.
SEND_COMMAND <DEV>,"'^LVL-<view address>,<list
port>,<list address>'"
• view address = the address of the view definition
• list port = 1-100. port where data resides
• list address = address where data resides
SEND_COMMAND Device,"'^LVL-5,my songs'"
Sets the data list viewed to my songs and displays it according to the view
definitions located at address 5.