Firmware Pages and Descriptions
70 TPI-PRO Total Presentation Interface - Pro Edition
Panel Statistics PageThe options on the Panel Statistics page allow you to track the connection status for the panel. The Pane l
Statistics page tracks ICSP messages, Blink messages, Ethernet connection statistics, and Wireless
connection statistics (FIG. 52).
FIG. 52 Panel Statistics page
The elements of the Panel Statistics page are described in the following table:
Panel Statistics Page
Back Saves all changes and returns to the previous page.
Connection Status icon The icon in the upper-right corner of each Setup page shows online/offline state of
the panel to the master.
• Bright red - disconnected
• Bright green - connected. Blinks when a blink message is received to dark green
every 5 seconds for half a second then go back to bright green.
• Bright yellow - panel missed a blink message from the master. It will remain
yellow for 3 missed blink messages and then turn red. It will return to green
when a blink message is received.
Note: a Lock appears on the icon if the panel is connected to a secured NetLinx
ICSP Messages Messages sent between the master and the touch panel; it is the protocol they use
to communicate to each other.
Total • Received - The total ICSP messages received by the panel.
• Processed - The total ICSP messages processed by the panel.
• Dropped - The total ICSP messages dropped by the panel.
Last 15 Minutes • Received - The total ICSP messages received by the panel in the last 15
• Processed - The total ICSP messages processed by the panel in the last 15
• Dropped - The total ICSP messages dropped by the panel in the last 15 minutes.
Blink Messages The master sends this message once every 5 seconds to all connected devices.
Total • Received - The total Blink messages received by the panel.
• Missed - The total Blink messages missed by the panel.
Last 15 Minutes • Received - The total Blink messages received by the panel in the last 15 minutes.
• Missed - The total Blink messages missed by the panel in the last 15 minutes.
Ethernet Statistics The Ethernet connection statistics for the panel.
Clear Clears all panel connection statistics.
Refresh Refreshes all panel connection statistics.