Firmware Pages and Descriptions
TPI-PRO Total Presentation Interface - Pro Edition
Protected Setup Page

The Protected Setup page (FIG. 43) centers around the properties used by the TPI-PRO to communicate

with the NetLinx Master. Enter the factory default password (1988) into the password keypad to access

this page.

The elements of the Protected Setup page are described in the table below:

FIG. 43 Protected Setup page

Protected Setup Page Elements

Back Saves the changes and returns you to the previously active touch panel page.
Connection Status icon This visual display of t he connection status allows the user to have a current
update of the TPI-PRO’s connection status regardless of what page is currently
• A Lock only appears on the icon if the TPI-PRO has established a connection
with a currently secured target Master (requiring a username and password).
Device Number Opens a keypad that is used to set and display the c urrent device number.
Options Allows you to select various TPI-PRO features:
• The Function Show button enables the display of the channel port and
channel code in the top left corner of the button, the level port and level code
in the bottom left corner, and the address port and address code in the
bottom right corner (see FIG. 45 for an example of the function locations).
• Use the Page Tracking button to toggle page tracking. When enabled, the
TPI-PRO sends page data back to the NetLinx Master, or vice versa
depending on the touch panel settings.
• Use the Telne t button to enable or disable the telnet server on the TPI-PRO.
This feature focuses on direct telnet communication to the TPI-PRO.