6-19•Numeric response data
The numeric response data is expressed in the integer format (NR1) and real number (fixed point) format (NR2).
•Boolean response data
Expressed with 0 indicating false and 1 indicating true.
•Character response data
Determined character string data consisting of characters A to Z or a to z, numbers 0 to 9, and underbar ( _ ).
< 0 to 9 >
< Integer format (NR1) >
< Real number (fixed point) format (NR2) >
• A number other than 0 must be specified at the head.
• A positive number is not signed by +.
(Integer part)
Decimal point
(Fraction part)
< 0 to 9 > < 0 to 9 >
• A number other than 0 must be specified at the head.
• A positive number is not signed by +.
• This format is output in the integer format when the fraction part is 0.