6-236.5.4 Reading, writing, clearing, and resetting the status register
The table below lists how to read and write each status register.
Register Name Reading method Writing method
Status Byte Register Serial poll None
A 7-bit status byte and RQS bit are returned.
The value of the status byte then remained
The contents of the status byte register and
one numeric value transferred from the MSS
(master summary status) summary message
are returned.
Service Request *SRE? *SRE
Enable Register
Standard Event *ESR? None
Status Register The contents of the register are cleared after
Standard Event Status *ESE? *ESE
Enable Register The contents of the register are not cleared
after reading.
SCPI Event Status :STATus: ......... :EVENt? None
Register The contents of the register are cleared after
SCPI Event Status :STATus: ......... :ENABle? :STATus:........ :ENABle
Enable Register The contents of the register are not cleared
after reading.
SCPI Positive :STATus:......... :PTRansition? :STATus:........ :PTRansition
Transition Filter The contents of the register are not cleared
after reading.
SCPI Negative :STATus: ......... :NTRansition? :STATus: ........ :NTRansition
Transition Filter The contents of the register are not cleared
after reading.
Error/Event Queue :SYSTem:ERRor? None