6-36:AMPLitude[ :OUT]:SWEep:STEP:NUMBer <Numeric>
Function Sets the number of level points for a sweep.
Parameter <Numeric> = 2 to 2001
Unit <Non term>
Restriction None
:AMPLitude[ :OUT]:SWEep:STEP:NUMBer?
Function Reads out the number of level points for a sweep.
Response Number of level points for a sweep
Restriction None
:AMPLitude[ :OUT]:SWEep:MODE <Character>
Function Selects the level sweep mode.
Parameter <Character> = AUTO
Unit <Non term>
Restriction None
:AMPLitude[ :OUT]:SWEep:MODE?
Function Reads out the level sweep mode.
Response Level sweep mode = AUTO
Restriction None
:AMPLitude[ :OUT]:SWEep:TIME <Numeric> <Time term>
Function Sets the sweep time for a level sweep.
Parameter <Numeric> = 0.1 ms to 600 s
Unit <Time term>
Restriction None
:AMPLitude[ :OUT]:SWEep:TIME?
Function Reads out the sweep time for a level sweep.
Response Sweep time for a level sweep.
Restriction None
:AMPLitude[ :OUT]:SWEep:MARKer <Numeric> <Ampl term>
Function Sets the marker level for a sweep.
Parameter <Numeric> = –143 to +23 dBm
Unit <Ampl term>
Restriction None
:AMPLitude[ :OUT]:SWEep:MARKer?
Function Reads out the marker level for a sweep.
Response Marker level for a sweep
Restriction None