:AMPLitude[ :OUT]:SWEep:STARt?
Function Reads the start level for a sweep.
Response Start level for a sweep
Restriction None
:AMPLitude[ :OUT]:SWEep:STOP <Numeric> <Ampl term>
Function Sets the stop level for a sweep.
Parameter <Numeric> = 142.99 dBm to +22.99 dBm
Unit <Ampl term>
Restriction None
:AMPLitude[ :OUT]SWEep:STOP?
Function Reads the stop level for a sweep.
Response Stop level for sweep
Restriction None
:AMPLitude[ :OUT]:SWEep:CENTer <Numeric> <Ampl term>
Function Sets the center level for a sweep.
Parameter <Numeric> = 142.99 dBm to +22.99 dBm
Unit <Ampl term>
Restriction None
:AMPLitude[ :OUT]:SWEep:CENTer?
Function Reads out the center level for a sweep.
Response Center level for a sweep
Restriction None
:AMPLitude[ :OUT]:SWEep:SPAN <Numeric> <Ampl term>
Function Sets the span level for a sweep.
Parameter <Numeric> = 0.02 dB to 20 dB
Unit <Ampl term>
Restriction Unit is dB, only.
:AMPLitude[ :OUT]:SWEep:SPAN?
Function Reads out the span level for a sweep.
Response Span level for a sweep
Restriction None
:AMPLitude[ :OUT]:SWEep:STEP:SIZE <Numeric> <Ampl term>
Function Sets the level step size for a sweep.
Parameter <Numeric> = 0.01 dB to 20 dB
Unit <Ampl term>
Restriction None
Function Reads out the level step size for a sweep.
Response Step size for a sweep
Restriction None