Anritsu MS2036C, MS2026C, MS2038C, MS2028C manual VNA Performance Capabilities MS202x/3xC

Models: MS2028C MS2036C MS2038C MS2026C

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VNA Performance Capabilities (MS202x/3xC)

Measurement Parameters

S11, S21, S22, S12, Sd1d1, Sc1c1, Sd1c1, Sc1d1

Number of Traces

Four: TR1, TR2, TR3, TR4



Trace Format

Single, Dual, Tri, Quad. When used with Number of Traces, overlays are possible including a Single Format with Four trace overlays.




Log Magnitude









Graph Types

Group Delay

Smith Chart



Log Mag / 2 (1-Port Cable Loss)


Linear Polar


Log Polar


Real Impedance


Imaginary Impedance




Frequency Domain, Time Domain, Distance Domain




Start Frequency, Stop Frequency, Center Frequency, Span




Start Distance, Stop Distance




Start Time, Stop Time



Frequency Sweep Type: Linear

Single Sweep, Continuous



Data Points

2 to 4001 (arbitrary setting); data points can be reduced without recalibration.



Limit Lines

Upper, Lower, 10 segmented Upper, 10 segmented Lower



Test Limits

Pass/Fail for Upper, Pass/Fail for Lower, Limit Audible Alarm



Data Averaging





0 to 20%



IF Bandwidth

10, 30, 100, 300, 1k, 3k, 10k, 30k, 100k (Hz)



Reference Plane

The reference planes of a calibration (or other normalization) can be changed by entering a line length. Assumes no loss, flat magnitude,

linear phase, and constant impedance.


Auto Reference Plane Extension

Instead of manually entering a line length, this feature automatically adjusts phase shift from the current calibration (or other normalization) to

compensate for external cables (or test fixtures). Assumes no loss, flat magnitude, linear phase, and constant impedance.


Frequency Range

Frequency range of the measurement can be narrowed within the calibration range without recalibration.


Defined as the frequency span over which the phase change is computed at a given frequency point. The aperture can be changed without

Group Delay Aperture

recalibration. The minimum aperture is the frequency range divided by the number of points in calibration and can be increased to 20% of the


frequency range.

Group Delay Range

< 180º of phase change within the aperture



Trace Memory

A separate memory for each trace can be used to store measurement data for later display. The trace data can be saved and recalled.



Trace Math

Complex trace math operations of subtraction, addition, multiplication, or division are provided.



Number of Markers

Eight, arbitrary assignments to any trace



Marker Types

Reference, Delta



Marker Readout Styles

Log Mag, Cable Loss (Log Mag / 2), Log Mag and Phase, Phase, Real and Imaginary, SWR, Impedance, Admittance, Normalized Impedance,

Normalized Admittance, Polar Impedance, and Group Delay, Linear Mag, Linear Mag and Phase


Marker Search

Peak Search, Valley Search, Find Marker Value



Correction Models

Full 2-Port, Full S11, Full S22, Full S11 & S22, Response S21, Response S12, Response S21 & S12, Response S11, Response S22,

Response S11 & S22, One-Path Two-Port (S11,S21), One-Path Two-Port (S22,S12)


Calibration Methods

Short-Open-Load-Through (SOLT), Offset-Short (SSLT), and Triple-Offset-Short (SSST)



Calibration Standards’ Coefficients

Coax: N-Connector, K-Connector, 7/16, TNC, SMA, and four User Defined

Waveguide: WG11A, WG12, WG13, WG14, WG15, WG16, WG17, WG18, WG20, and four User Defined


Cal Correction Toggle




Dispersion Compensation

Waveguide correction that improves accuracy of distance-to-fault data by compensating for different wavelengths propagating at different speeds.



Impedance Conversion

Support for 50 Ω and 75 Ω are provided.




Meters, Feet



Bias Tee Settings

Internal, External, Off



Timebase Reference

Internal, External (10 MHz)



File Storage Types

Measurement, Setup (with CAL), Setup (without CAL), S2P (Real/Imag), S2P (Lin Mag/Phase), S2P (Log Mag/Phase), JPEG



Ethernet Configuration

DHCP or Manual (Static); IP, Gateway, Subnet entries




English, French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Italian, plus two User Defined




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Anritsu MS2036C, MS2026C, MS2038C, MS2028C manual VNA Performance Capabilities MS202x/3xC