expansion cards, installing 91–100 closing the computer 98–100 communication card 96–97 LC-PDS card 95–96

opening the computer 93–94, 95 types of 91

Extensions Manager control panel, for turning off extensions 50, 51, 57

external stereo speakers, connecting 32–33

external video, video-in slot for 91 eye fatigue, avoiding 79


fatigue, avoiding 81 FCC statement, vi

Ethernet card and 33 files, backing up 38 Finder

automating scripts in 35 making active program 18

floppy disk

backing up files on 38 ejection problems 86 handling 85

inserting and ejecting 36 repairing 65–67 starting up from 59 startup problems with 47 unable to read 49

floppy disk drive 29 adding or replacing 34

foreign languages, typing in 103–104 frozen pointer 41, 50

function keys 102


grounding plug 2, 83 Guide (h) menu 12, 17

Macintosh Guide 18–25 Macintosh Tutorial 12–13 Shortcuts 27–28 Show/Hide Balloons 26


hard disk. See also hard disk drive (external SCSI); hard disk drive (internal)

backing up files on 38 initializing 58–59

installing application programs on 36 installing system software on 68–76 reinitializing 60

repairing 63, 65–67

hard disk drive (external SCSI). See also hard disk

initializing 61–62 testing 64–65

hard disk drive (internal). See also hard disk

adding or replacing 34 checking for damage on 63, 64 location of 30 reinitializing 60

repairing 65–67 hard disk icon 13

not on desktop 48 hardware

cleaning 87–90

connecting other equipment 30–33 described ix, 29–30

for Ethernet connection 33 safety precautions 82, 83 hardware requirements, for Power

Macintosh programs 39

Index 107

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Image 115
Apple 6200 series manual Index