shared libraries 39 missing 56

Shift key 102 Shortcuts 27–28

Show All (Application menu) 38 Show Balloons (Guide [h] menu) 26 Shut Down (Apple [K] menu) 14 Shut Down (Special menu) 14

size box 13 slots 91

Small Computer System Interface (SCSI), startup problems and

46.See also SCSI devices; SCSI hard disk, external

software compatibility Extensions Manager control panel

and 57

older Macintosh programs 40, 56 sound, adjusting volume 33 sound input port 30, 31

connecting microphone to 31 sound output port 30, 31

connecting external speakers to 32 speakers, connecting 32–33 special characters, typing 103–4 special key combinations 104 special keys 101–102

Special menu locating 14 Restart 43 Shut Down 14

speed, problems with 57 standby power button 2, 10, 30 starting the computer 8–10

from a CD-ROM disk 58–59 for eliminating a problem 43 from a floppy disk 59 troubleshooting 10, 46–47

startup disk

checking for damage 63, 64–65 rebuilding desktop of 44

stereo miniplug, connecting to speaker 32

support, sources of 15 switching between programs 37 symbols, typing 103–104

system extensions, startup problems and 50, 51, 52

System Folder

extra copy warning 36 file opening caution 55 Previous 74

shared libraries in 39

system software, problems with 9, 46, 47, 50, 51, 52. See also installing or reinstalling system software


Tab key 102

tape drive, backing up to 38 TCP/IP support 33

television, watching on computer 35, 36 television interference, vi

title bar 13

Topics button (Macintosh Guide window) 19–20, 25

Trash icon 13 troubleshooting 41–76

application programs 36, 54–55, 56 Balloon Help for 26

clock problems 45 diagnosing the problem 42 document can’t be found or

opened 55 ejecting a floppy disk 86 floppy disk unreadable 49, 52 Guide (h) menu for 12, 13 hard disk icon not on desktop 48 icons not appearing correctly 48 information sources 15 keyboard 53

Macintosh Guide for 18–25, 41 mouse 12, 52

older Macintosh programs 56 performance problems 57

Index 111

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Image 119
Apple 6200 series manual Index