If an error occurs during the POST execution, the keyboard Caps Lock key indicator stops flashing and an error code is displayed using the Caps Lock, Compose, Scroll Lock, and Num Lock key indicators. The error code indicates a particular system hardware failure.
In most cases, POST also attempts to send a failure message to the POST monitoring system. CODE EXAMPLE
CODE EXAMPLE 3-3 Typical Error Code Failure Message
Executing Power On SelfTest
0>@(#) Sun
0>INFO: Processor 0 is master. 0>
0> <00> Init System BSS
0> <00> NVRAM Battery Detect Test 0> <00> NVRAM Scratch Addr Test 0> <00> DMMU TLB Tag Access Test 0> <00> DMMU TLB RAM Access Test 0> <00> Probe Ecache 0>INFO:CPU 296 MHz: 2048KB Ecache 0> <00> Ecache RAM Addr Test
0> <00> Ecache Tag Addr Test
0> <00> Invalidate Ecache Tags 0>INFO: Min Psycho configuration. 0>INFO: Processor 2 -
0> <00> SC Address Reg Test
0> <00> SC Reg Index Test 0> <00> SC Regs Test
0> <00> SC Dtag RAM Addr Test 0> <00> SC Cache Size Init