Contents viii
10.4.2 Replacing the UPA Graphics Card 10-11
10.5 DIMM 10-12
10.5.1 Removing a DIMM 10-13
10.5.2 Replacing a DIMM 10-15
10.6 Audio Card 10-16
10.6.1 Removing the Audio Card 10-16
10.6.2 Replacing the Audio Card 10-18
10.7 Motherboard 10-19
10.7.1 Removing a Motherboard 10-20
10.7.2 Replacing a Motherboard 10-23
11. Illustrated Parts List 11-1
A. Product Specifications A-1
A.1 Physical Specifications A-2
A.2 Electrical Specifications A-2
A.3 Environmental Requirements A-3
B. Signal Descriptions B-1
B.1 Keyboard/Mouse and Serial
Ports A and B B-2
B.1.1 Keyboard/Mouse Connector B-2
B.1.2 Serial Port A and B (RS-423/RS-232) Connectors B-3
B.2 Twisted-Pair Ethernet Connector B-5
B.3 UltraSCSI Connector B-6
B.4 Audio Connectors B-10
B.5 Parallel Port Connector B-11
B.6 Media Independent Interface Connector B-14
B.7 UPA Graphics Card Connector B-16