The single buffer UPA graphics card accelerates applications-like windowing, 2-D graphics, imaging, and video. The DBZ UPA graphics card adds double-buffering capabilities and a Z-buffer for accelerating 3-D graphics and animation. The single buffer graphics card uses a 75-MHz frame buffer clock and the DBZ graphics card uses an 83-MHz clock.
C.1.7.1 Graphics Card Features
Features provided by the UPA graphics card include:
■YCC-to-RGB color space conversion for faster video decompression
■Contrast stretch support for imaging
■Line doubling for interlaced video writes
■Consecutive block prefetch for smart frame buffer reads
■DDC2B monitor serial communication with EDID default resolution support in the boot PROM
■3DRAM3 OpenGL stencil function (four planes) support
■New RAMDAC support
■Single-buffered high-resolution (2.5 Mpixels) supports the following screen resolutions (DBZ graphics card only):
■1920 × 1360 landscape mode (HDTV)
■1280 × 2048 portrait mode (medical)
■Buffer B addressing for stateless (dumb frame buffer) and video accesses (DBZ graphics card only)
C.1.7.2 Graphics Card Performance
The single-buffer and DBZ graphics cards have identical window system performance characteristics, 2D graphics, and imaging and video applications. The DBZ graphics card also provides additional performance for 3D graphics and animation applications through double-buffer and Z-buffer support.
C.1.8 Peripherals
The following peripherals are supported by the system unit: CD-ROM drive, diskette drive, and hard drive as well as a listing other RMA storage devices that can be installed as X-option listed later.