

1.Make backup copies of the Startup disk, Program disk, and AppleWorks memory expansion disk (the front of the MultiRam disk). For your convenience, the Filer, Apple’s ProDOS disk copy program, is included on the Utility side of the MultiRam disk (beck side) to make your backup copies. You may use COPYA on a DOS 3.3 System. Master disk or any other disk copy program for this purpose, however.

To save rebooting a copy program again in order to see the affect of different MultiRam options explained later, we recommend you sake two copies of both the Startup disk and Program disk now if you have two additional blank disks available.

If you use a custom printer setup, have made a printer patch to your copy of AppleWorks, or have modified the AppleWorks Startup disk in any way, make your Startup backup copies from your already modified Startup disk, not the original.

2.Boot the backup copy of the AppleWorks memory expansion disk. Press the Return key to begin the program and again to advance to the configuration option.

3.Press "Y” or “X” when you are asked “Do you wish to have all the program load during the hoot?"

If you press “N”, AppleWorks will load and operate normally — only key parts of the program are loaded into memory when you boot the disk, not the whole program.

When using AppleWorks, you may have noticed that the disk drive reading the Program disk turns on frequently when moving between a file and the main menu, sending material to the printer, etc. This occurs because only part of the AppleWorks program is in memory at one time. AppleWorks uses an overlay manager that loads program segments from disk into memory to do specific tasks only when those tasks are first called. Because program routines are swapped into and out of memory as they are needed. Desktop memory is conserved for data files. The first option maintains this convention.

If you press “Y”, the entire AppleWorks program loads into memory during the bootup process.

With all the program in memory, each time you manipulate a file, AppleWorks acts immediately, and you will find yourself using the Escape key. Control I) key, etc., to literally skip through files with quick, single keystrokes. Achieving this immediate response makes AppleWorks one of the fastest integrated packages available.

When using the AppleWorks Startup disk configured with option two, an extra one to two minutes is required during the boot to load the entire program into memory depending upon the AppleWorks version used. After inserting the Program disk, you will be prompted for the date as usual. The program is then loaded entirely into memory.

A minimum of 256K of RAM, preferably more. should be installed on your MultiRam C to best use option two. Larger memory area are best used with this option as approximately 130K of the Desktop space is filled with the AppleWorks program. The remaining apace indicator sees in the