Data can also be transfered from one MultiRam C 64K auxiliary bank to another 64K auxiliary bank. This could be done by selecting the source bank, copying the source bank’s data into main memory using AUXMOVE or your own memory move routine, selecting the 64K destination bank, and then writing the data to the destination bank from main memory.
Another method is to transfer data directly from one bank to another, one byte at a time, through the accumulator. The memory move routine doing the transfer must always be located in the part of memory not being transfered. The safest method of doing this type of transfer is to locate the move routine on the motherboard main or bankswitched memory areas.
To read and write to the
To avoid potential problems, you may want to exclude the
Similar warnings apply to double
Pressing the Reset key will not automatically switch in auxiliary bank 0 (zero). If you would like to direct your program to a specific auxiliary bank location when the Reset key is pressed, you must change the reset vectors $3F2 and $3F3 to point to a routine that will write the desired bank number into $CO7X.
Interrupt HandlingInterrupts are handled in the Apple //c by an interrupt vector located at $FFFE. The $FFFE location is normally RUM area.
If an auxiliary bank’s