2.1.1Legend Box
The keys in the legend bar Allows you to navigate through the various setup menus
Key(s) | Function Description |
← | Select Screen |
↑↓ | Select Item |
+ - | Change Option / Field |
Enter | Go to Sub Screen |
PGDN | Next Page |
PGUP | Previous Page |
HOME | Go to Top of Screen |
END | Go to Bottom of Screen |
F2/F3 | Change Colors |
F7 | Discard Changes |
F8 | Load Failsafe Defaults |
F9 | Load Optimal Defaults |
F10 | Save and Exit |
ESC | Exit |
2.1.2List Box
This box appears only in the opening screen. The box displays an initial list of config- urable items in the menu you selected.
Note that a right pointer symbol ( →) appears to the left of certain fields. This pointer indicates that you can display a
Take some time to familiarize yourself with the legend keys and their corresponding functions. Practice navigating through the various menus and submenus. If you acci- dentally make unwanted changes to any of the fields, press <F6> to load the
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup
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