Board to Board Connectors Keep a Low Profile
Wide range of space saving options
The SlimStack™ Surface Mount Technology (SMT) board-
Molex believes that its SlimStack product family is the industry’s broadest range of
Stack heights range from 0.90mm to 20.0mm, with four pitch sizes between 0.40mm and 1.00mm. Optional
Available in vertical and
USMT format
UPitch sizes: 0.40mm, 0.50mm, 0.635mm and 1.00mm (0.016in, 0.020in, 0.025in and 0.039in)
UStack heights: 0.90mm to 20.00mm (0.035in to 0.787in)
UCircuit size range: 7 to 240
UGold or tin plating
UVertical and
UShielded versions
UMezzanine IEEE 1386 options
UVariety of locking and alignment mechanisms
UMobile telephones
UDigital cameras
UIEEE 1386 (common mezzanine card) systems
Molex SlimStack Brochure available!
Please complete the reply slip or visit the
weblink below.
Franchised with Arrow in the Baltics, Finland, Sweden, UK and Ireland
For further information, including the SlimStack Brochure, please complete the reply slip or visit http://www.arrowne.com/innov/in215/f_1412.shtml
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