ARTDio IPP 1000 Series
Section Item Field Description Default
Class Attribute The class attribute can be set to either “Deny” or
“Accept”. Both attributes have a barring table and
an exception table. Each class contains only one
DENY: Denies all numbers except those
specified in the exception table. The barring
table does not need to have elements because
“Deny” in general is used to bar all numbers
except those found in the exception table.
ACCEPT: Accepts all numbers except the
numbers listed in the barring table. However
the numbers specified in the exception table
will not be barred.
New Attr: Assigns an attribute to the selected
barring class
Delete Attr: Deletes an attribute from the selected
barring class
Class Name The name of the class
Add Name: Assigns a name to the barring class.
The name can be any text up to 15 digits.
Class Control
Add Barr: Adds a barring number to an attribute
that has been assigned to a selected barring class.
The maximum length is 19 digits.
Delete Barr: Deletes a barring number from an
attribute that has been assigned to a selected
barring class. The maximum length is 19 digits.
Add Excp
Adds an exception number to an
attribute that has been assigned to a selected
barring class. The maximum length is 19 digits.
Delete Excp: Deletes an exception number from
an attribute that has been assigned to a selected
barring class. The maximum length is 19 digits.
Barring List The barring list shows all the barring
numbers which have been assigned
to each attribute that has been
assigned to a selected barring class.
(Read Only)
Exception The exception list shows all the
exception numbers which have been
assigned to each attribute that has
been assigned to the selected barring
(Read Only)